Worship with us
on Sundays

Located in the
heart of Denver

Join us at 8:10, 9:20, or 11 am on Sundays
at 2204 St. James Church Rd.


Can’t join us in person?
Worship LIVE online this Sunday.

We stream our 9:20 am service LIVE on Youtube and Facebook.

During our Sunday services, we aspire to encounter God in a compelling yet sacred environment that includes Biblical teaching, joyful and reflective music, prayer and, confession.

Your guide to a typical Sunday at Lake Forest:

  • Our gathering typically lasts 60 minutes.
  • Come early for free coffee.
  • Wondering what to wear? From ties to Carolina Panthers jerseys, flip flops to cowboy boots, you’ll find people dress in whatever makes them feel most comfortable – and we love that!
  • We understand stepping into a new environment can feel risky and we don’t single out new guests. However, we’d love for you to stop by our info table or say hello after worship.

What about my kids?

Kids are always welcome in our worship services. We also offer kids programming each Sunday. Kidventure is our fun, spiritually-nurturing and safe Kids Ministry program for infants-5th grade. When you arrive, we’ll help you check your kid into the appropriate classroom using our computer kiosks, get to know him or her, and introduce you to the classroom leader (guide).
Parents and kids receive matching identification tags that allow us to note any allergies or special needs your child may have, and to ensure only you can pick up your child after service. Helpful tip: If you’ll be checking into Kidventure for the first time, please arrive 15 minutes before the service starts.

Communion & Baptism

There are two sacraments that we regularly observe in worship – communion and baptism. Sacraments confirm our relationship to Jesus and represent a visible difference between those who belong to the Church and the rest of the world.
You may have heard of communion referred to as “The Lord’s Supper.” When Jesus was living on Earth, He shared a meal of bread and wine with His disciples, breaking the bread and saying, “this is my body and my blood, which is given and shed for you; do this in remembrance of me.” And so we do.
We regularly share in communion as a part of our worship, usually on the first Sunday of every month. Everyone who professes faith in Jesus is welcome to partake in communion. 


Baptism is another sacrament, where someone who has decided to follow Jesus is presented to the church and baptized by water, just as Jesus was during his time on Earth. To find out more about baptism, or if you are interested in being baptized, click the button below to learn more.
We regularly celebrate baptisms in our worship services, and those may take place on the second Sunday of any month.

Worship has seasons?

The liturgical calendar, or calendar of the church, has a few different seasons. In many churches, this calendar informs everything from the scripture that is preached to the colors featured in the worship space. At Lake Forest, we make a point to celebrate the seasons of Lent and Advent.
is a season of reflection that takes place in the 40 days before Easter Sunday each year, and it begins with a service called ‘Ash Wednesday’. Advent is a season of waiting that takes place in the four weeks before Christmas each year. To learn more about these liturgical seasons, and to find resources to help you connect with God during Lent and Advent, check out the links below.

Join an online community of worshipers on YouTube or Facebook.

Our service is streamed live on Sundays at 9:20 am. We’d love to chat with you there. You can also catch up on previous services, on-demand, at any time.