Make friends through group life

Relationships are vital to our faith journey. In groups, we make friends, learn more about following Jesus, explore hobbies and interests, and study the Bible together. Each fall and spring, we launch a new semester of groups, and there is never a bad time to jump in to a group!

Journey like Jesus by living life together

Groups are gatherings of approximately 8-20 people who meet regularly to explore faith, celebrate the successes and good times of life, as well as comfort one another during the tough and disappointing times. Groups are made up of people from all spiritual backgrounds – skeptics, spiritual explorers and longtime followers of Christ. No one is expected to have all of the answers to Biblical questions or have life figured out.

Frequently asked questions:

Why should I join a group?

We believe as the church grows larger we must grow smaller and more intimate through Groups. Jump in, make some new friends, and learn more about Jesus while you’re doing it!

What happens in a group?

Every group is different but there are some common threads. Most groups have a time for hanging out, talking about the week and what’s going on in life. The central component is a study of something relevant to the members of the group. It may be the study of a book of the Bible, a topical book, learning from Jesus which incorporates Scripture, or following the sermons. Our groups are designed to facilitate friendship, encourage discussion, help us to pray and serve in community and engage each person in the process!

How long will my group last?

We have three trimesters each year; Fall (September-December), Spring (February-May), and Summer (June-August). Some groups continue through trimester dates, while others end after 8-12 weeks, depending on the group and topic.

Can I attend more than one group?

You can join more than 1 group. What’s most important is that you commit to attend that group(s) for the duration/trimester.

Make space for others to connect by hosting or leading a group

You don’t have to be a Bible scholar or expert on leadership to help create spaces for others to grow in their faith and make new friends. We’d love to talk with you about group life leadership, no matter where you are in your season of life or journey with Jesus.
You can click one of the buttons below to begin a conversation with Bob – our Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Connection – or go ahead and sign up to lead a group!

Resources for leaders: