We often recite these little sayings without any thought to their literal meaning or their origin.
But… what if there are some phrases that truly did impact our lives for the better?
What if, in some of our most defining moments, a pocketful of phrases could help us recall the bigger picture, regroup from worry and what-ifs, and give us guidance to live with real wisdom?
Those phrases exist in the pages of the Bible, within the Book of Proverbs. Discover one phrase each week, April 24 – May 29, as we…
The “wise up challenge” is simply this – commit to attending church for the six weeks of this series, not because we have a satisfaction money back guarantee or a grand prize waiting for you upon completion, but because we truly believe that being a part of weekly worship will add value to your life. This series is designed to equip us all with practical wisdom straight from the Bible, and we hope you’ll share some of your takeaways using the hashtag #WiseUpAtLFC — Let’s wise up together!
This week, we heard from Brent Campbell about listening to the “wise whisper” of God as we navigate our daily lives.
WATCH SERVICEWhat is the difference between those who realize their goals and dreams, and those who do not?
WATCH SERVICEOur lives are a sum of all of the decisions that we make. There are two paths – the way of the wise and the way of the fool. Which will you choose?
WATCH SERVICEAnger. We all deal with it. It is neither right nor wrong, but it can cause us to misbehave. What kind of wisdom does the Bible have to offer us that can guide us as we deal with our anger?
WATCH SERVICEAs we wrap up our series, let’s take a look at how we determine the difference between the wise, the foolish, and the evil.