*identical to Easter Sunday, with more opportunity for social distancing. No Kidventure.
Each year, followers of Jesus from all over the world center themselves and the content of their church services around a singular event – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that this miraculous moment in our history is worth revisiting and retelling, because it is not only true, but it is remarkable. It is where our hope is found.
This year, we invite you to come with us as we slow down, zoom in, and step into this awe-inspiring story. Join us in our investigation of the moments leading up to and surrounding this foundational event of our faith. In this three week series, we will take a closer look at each day; we’ll examine, frame-by-frame, the weekend that changed history forever.
The day we call “good.” As we examine the cross, we also look back to see the unfolding plan of God throughout all of time. Catch up here:
WATCH SERVICE+ Don’t miss our Good Friday Service on April 15.
The silence. The day often called “holy.” This week, we wait on God. Catch up here:
WATCH SERVICEThe greatest ending to a three day story that there ever was.
WATCH SERVICEWhether you’re a new follower of Jesus or have been walking with Him for a long time, this truth never gets old.
These resources might encourage you.