Let’s reimagine together!

Join us, and Ministry Architects, in preparing for a new season of Youth Ministry at Lake Forest Church WestLake.

Planning for our youth

We value the youth of our church, and we are committed to building a sustainable youth ministry that is going to have a deep impact. That’s why we developed a game plan together during the summer of 2023. We invited Ministry Architects to visit us (Learn more about them at www.ministryarchitects.com.) Ministry Architects spent the majority of their time listening to a variety of groups within the church through focused listening groups. We had great participation in those groups from a broad spectrum of parents, volunteers, youth and people who just love our youth. We loved hearing your insights, your frustrations and your dreams.

After spending 2 days in these listening groups (and taking copious notes), the Ministry Architects team hunkered down to write a report, sharing with us what they’ve heard about the youth programs – including assets, challenges, and how we compare to youth ministries around the country – and where it seems that God might be taking us next. On Sunday, June 4, 2023 the report was presented to the congregation in the Worship Center laying out specific recommendations and a blueprint for how to move forward.


If you would like a copy of the report or have questions please e-mail kjohnson@lakeforest.org


Lake Forest Youth continues!

Our Youth team has some great things planned for your middle and high school student. Learn more about how to plug in today!
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