Paula Dannielle is from Phoenix, Arizona. She serves as the Associate Pastor at Forest Hill Church’s Eastland Campus in Charlotte, NC. Paula earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Arizona State and Emory University, respectively. At nineteen, she accepted the call into ministry and was ordained in July 2012. She has been blessed to serve in congregations that span denominational, cultural, and geographical lines.
Pastor Paula has over 20 years of experience in children & youth ministries. As a leading voice in our nation regarding next gen ministry, Pastor Paula is a national communicator and ministry coach. She has assisted various churches, including her congregation of over 10,000 members and six campuses, with building and repairing discipleship programming for the next generation. She has an extensive online presence via social media, blogging, and various nationally syndicated podcast. She is passionate about helping kids and teenagers feel known, loved, and find purpose in Christ. In addition to her work with next gen ministry, she serves with several organizations around issues of justice and racial reconciliation.
In addition to her vocational work, Paula takes the most joy in being a mother and nurturing the growth and development of her three young adult daughters: Chayil Destiny, Charity Joy, and Cherish Faith.