Join us as we gather to share and celebrate in the good news of a resurrected Jesus!

Keep scrolling to find out more about what to expect and how you can get involved this Easter at Lake Forest.
Each service, on Saturday night or Sunday morning, will last one hour. The three services will be identical (there is no difference between Saturday or Sunday services). We are excited to be sharing the incredible news of Jesus with you this Easter, and we encourage your participation in worship as we sing and celebrate together. In our service, you’ll be invited to pray with us, sing, and listen to an encouraging message from the Bible that we hope will meet you right where you are.
We love kids at Lake Forest! You’re welcome to bring children into any of our worship services at any time! We also have an incredibly fun ministry for your kids called Kidventure!
Kidventure runs programming for babies through 5th graders, and they will be fully operational during the 10 am and 11:30 am services on Easter Sunday. For the Saturday night service and earlier Sunday service at 8:30 am, they’ll run childcare for babies and young children up to 4 years old.
We know… that’s a lot of information!
For your reference:
CHILDCARE, 0 – 4 years old
Saturday at 6 pm &
Sunday at 8:30 am
FULL KIDVENTURE, birth – 5th grade
Sunday at 10 am & 11:30 am
We believe that every person has gifts, talents, and skills that can be used to serve the church and our communities. In this season, we have several unique opportunities to serve!
The Hunt Our annual Easter Egg hunt is coming up on March 23, and we need all hands on deck to help keep everyone safe, lead games, serve snacks, and help pack up at the end of the day.
Kidventure – Our incredible Kidventure Guides give of their time, talents, and energy each Sunday to care for, teach, and have fun with the kids of Lake Forest. At Easter time, we host even more kids from our community, and we can always use a few ‘seasonal special guests’ in Kidventure to keep the fun going!
Serve Teams – All across our campus on Easter, volunteers will greet, serve coffee, help park cars, operate cameras, play instruments, hold babies, and guide first time guests. If you’ve never served on a serve team, there is no better Sunday to begin than Easter!

Easter is a season?

Well, kinda! The liturgical calendar, or calendar of the church, has a few different seasons. In many churches, this calendar informs everything from the scripture that is preached to the colors featured in the worship space.
is a season of reflection that takes place in the 40 days before Easter Sunday each year, and it begins with a service called ‘Ash Wednesday’. To learn more and find resources to guide you in this season of reflection, click the link below.
Good Friday is one of the darkest days in human history, when Jesus was crucified. Still, if not for that darkness, hope would not shine as bright. Before the wonder and joy of Easter morning, we must first pass through the pain and hurt of Good Friday. We honor this day by holding a service of scripture, prayer and, song to reflect on the sacrifice our Savior made on our behalf.

We can’t wait to see you this Easter!

Saturday, March 30 at 6 pm
Sunday, March 31 at 8:30 am, 10 am, and 11:30 am