Bob DeBoer
Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Connection
Bob oversees and provides leadership to both the areas of Spiritual Formation and our Connection Teams. Along with this, you will also see him preach on occasion, provide counseling, work alongside of our care ministries and do other needed ministry activities. On a Sunday morning, you will typically see him greeting people in the lobby or leading a meeting with one of his ministry teams.
Bob grew up in a Christian family and in a religious community. This foundation allowed for him to receive Christ as his Savior and Lord at an early age. Many godly individuals poured into his life, even speaking words that he would be involved in vocational ministry someday. Although reluctant of this call, he felt the Holy Spirit leading him to pursue this path and received an undergraduate degree in Christian Education and a M-Div. degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Since that time, he has served various churches for nearly 30 years.
Bob came to Lake Forest in March of 2021 from the state of Iowa. It is the first time that he and Laura have lived in the southeastern part of the US and they are enjoying the beauty of the region and the shorter winters. You might also find Bob mountain biking or hiking on one of the beautiful trails in the region or he and Laura sneaking away to attend a Charlotte Knights baseball game in Uptown (still getting use to not calling it downtown!) Charlotte.

Bob loves people. He loves the unique stories each person brings, and the way God is at work in obvious, and behind the scenes ways. His greatest joy and passion comes in seeing people submit to the Lord and allow His redeeming and transforming work to shape and fashion people into the new creations. He desires. It is such a privilege to be included in this work, and to equip others to join in on God’s call to disciple others.
Bob and Laura have been married for 32 years (yes, they must have been married as children!) and have 3 sons (Andrew, Ben, Adam), 2 daughter-in-laws (Laura and Nicole) and a future daughter-in-law (Kenzie) as she joins our family in the spring of 2024. Bob and Laura are also excited that they will be first-time grandparents this year around Christmas. Since their kids live in Alaska, Michigan and Iowa, they are spending most of their vacation time, and $$ traveling around the country to spend time with family.
Food: Almost anything Laura makes! (Delight in every bite pasta ranks high!)
Author: C.S. Lewis, Dallas Willard, Tim Keller
Podcast or TV show: The Leadership Journey Podcast
Color: Burgundy
Coffee: Don’t drink it! (Yes, this may be sinful at Lake Forest)
Band/Artist: Billy Joel, Cold Play, For King and Country
Vacation spot: Grand Tetons or Door County
Sports team: Chicago Bears